SAUCEE ROCKS PTY LTD. (herein “SAUCEE ROCKS,” “We,” “Us” or “Our”) understands that when you use our services that you are trusting us with the data that we collect. For this very reason, our goal is to be as transparent as possible so that it’s understood what information we collect, how it’s safeguarded, and how this information is used. This Privacy Policy (the “Policy”) is applicable to all of SAUCEE ROCKS’s web properties, including but not limited to (the “Site”). 

We also understand that our Clients/Users may have additional questions or concerns regarding our Policy, and if this is the case, you can contact our team for assistance by email at 

General Collection and Use of Information 
We collect information about you directly from our Site. We may also receive information from our users through several channels, but not limited to the online registration, user profile, file logs and from other third parties. At no point in time will we sell or share user information with others in any form other than as stated in our Policy. 

How do we collect information about you? 

We collect information through automated processes, such as when you visit our Site. More specifically we may use cookies, web beacons and other technologies that help track and collect identifiable information on our users. We may also collect personally identifiable information from you through voluntary communication including email, surveys, reviews, comments, emails, telephone calls or any written and electronic correspondences. From time to time, we may also engage a third party partner such as an advertising or market research agency to collect information about you either through our Site or other websites that these partners may utilize. Examples of such personal identifiable information includes, but not limited to:  

  • Contact information (name, phone number, email address, billing address, and gender); 
  • Financial information (banking details or credit card information); 
  • Username and passwords (including any personal information used to reset passwords); 
  • Domain names used within our Services; 
  • Internet Protocol (IP) address; 
  • Any information that is voluntarily disclosed on our Services or to our representatives whether it is verbal or written communication. 

Any personal identifiable information that you wish not to be subject to the terms of this Policy, should not be shared with SAUCEE ROCKS, its representatives/agents, be uploaded into our Services, be communicated either verbally or in writing, and voluntarily submitted through forms and/or surveys.   

How is your personally identifiable information used?

All personally identifiable information that we collect from our Site and/or Services (including Site visitors) whether directly or indirectly, is used for, but not limited to:  

  • Contacting users for either marketing or registration purposes; 
  • Contacting users for authentication and verification purposes; 
  • Personalizing content and marketing material displayed on the Site; 
  • Customizing views and display settings within the Services;  
  • Analyzing data, usage patterns and habits of the Site and Services; 
  • Improving user experience; 
  • Communicating to the users any current or future Site and Service updates, changes, and/or promotions. 

At our sole discretion, we may also share your personally identifiable information with other internal or external agents so that we can improve the user experience and to offer additional products and services which we determine could be beneficial to our users. Your personally identifiable information may also be shared with third parties (such as digital marketing agencies) to better personalize marketing content presented to you, whether it be through SAUCEE ROCKS owned web properties or other independent channels. 

How will the information be used and/or shared? 
We in partnership with others provide users the means and infrastructure to distribute and receive email communication and all of its included contents. We do not monitor, edit, or disclose the contents of a user’s communication unless we at our own discretion believe that such action is necessary. Examples of which may include: 

  • To adhere with the edicts for the law, or in compliance with any formal inquiries or legal proceedings as required by the respective legal jurisdiction and/or the courts;  
  • To protect and to defend the rights and interests of SAUCEE ROCKS, and any of its physical or digital properties; 
  • To protect the safety and best interests of its users or the general public under imperative circumstances. 

Users hereby also accept that processing of and access to email messages and content may be required to properly route the emails, conform technical network requirements and to prevent any service disruptions.  

Communication with users: 

Offers and Updates 

Users of the Site and/or Services may receive communication through email or other channels to kick-start the onboarding process and to explain the Services in greater detail. Users of the Site that provide personal information and contact details may receive product updates, promotions, or any other notification through either email or call. Users of the Service on the other hand are subject to regular communication containing updates made to the Services, feature changes, advice on use, information about third party servicers or other SAUCEE ROCKS service s that are likely to benefit our users. We may also email Users requesting feedback and/or customer satisfaction questions. Users may at any time opt-out of such notifications. Please refer to the Choice and Opt-out section of this Policy for additional details. 

Client Support 

Our team may communicate with Users on a regular basis to provide support via email or phone. Users may also request assistance from our Client support team at 

Feature and Service Notifications 

We may on occasion send users service notifications, this may for example include temporary service interruptions, outages, or planned downtime for maintenance and updates. Additionally, we may also communicate to users any material feature updates that we may determine to be critical. 

Accounts Receivable 

All users of the Services (clients) can expect to receive email notifications containing invoices, statement of accounts and any processed payments. The client may assign an authorized representative recipient to receive such communications.  

Sharing of personal identifiable information 

Your personal identifiable information will only be shared with third parties if and when we believe that it is in your best interest. At no time will we sell your personal identifiable information. 

Legal Disclosures 

We may disclose your personal identifiable information when required by law, or when we believe such disclosure is necessary to comply with a judicial proceeding, a court order or legal process served to SAUCEE ROCKS on its web properties. It is also possible that disclosures may be made to third parties (and partners) such as internet, telecommunications and service providers who supply the network required for us to provide our services. 

External Emails/Spam 

SAUCEE ROCKS does not share your personal information, including your personal email address with external parties. It should also be noted, that any use of our Services for sending spam will result in immediate suspension of the user(s) and the respective account. 

External Third-Parties 

We use external partners to host our Site and Services. Data collected from our Site or Services, including the account and user data – may be stored either in the United States or Europe. 

Payments are processed through PayFast®, and therefore we provide them with personal identifiable information required to successfully process payments on the credit card provided to us. 

We may embed external services into our Site and Services (such as Segment™ and Google® Analytics) or even social media applications (such as Facebook® and Instagram®) to communicate with you or to enhance the function of the Site and the Services. 

Option to Opt-Out 

Users of the Site and Services who no longer wish to to receive promotional emails may opt-out of these communications by clicking the unsubscribe link which is embedded in every promotional message. However, the ability to opt-out is not available for any communication regarding account usage, billing and legal. Alternatively, Users may select to update their email address on file, or add an alternate email to receive such communications. 

Users may also request to opt-out by emailing us at Any submitted requests may take up to 10 days to process and to remove your information from our marketing communications. 

External Link 

Our Site may contain external links which direct users to sites that may be outside of SAUCEE ROCKS’s web properties. Please note that we are not responsible for the contents displayed on such sites or their respective privacy practices. Users should also be aware that we may use third party sites to drive traffic to our Site and Services. Any information collected on these third party sites is not covered under this Policy.  

Security and Data Retention 

Security of your personal identifiable information is of utmost importance. We abide by generally accepted standards to protect your personal identifiable information that is submitted to us. This is also the case for any data that is stored off-line and on local physical servers. 

All of our employees are subject to background checks and execute non-disclosure agreements as a part of the hiring process. Furthermore, taks are carefully segregated amongst departments and personnel so that data is only shared with those that require it to carry-out their specific duties.  

It is important to note that no method of electronic transmission or storage is fully secured. Thus, we cannot guarantee absolute security. If at any time you have questions regarding the security of your data, you can contact us at 

Data Retention 

We retain your data for as long as it is necessary to provide our services. Upon termination, users may request the removal of their personal data from our records, at which time we will make no further use of it. However, certain copies of your data may be retained in the form of data backups, or as required by law and/or audit purposes. 

Amendments to the Policy 

Our privacy policy may be updated and/or modified from time to time as we see appropriate. All changes will be reflected in this Policy and can be accessed by our users at any point in time. In the event that a material change is made to this Policy, we may use other channels of communication to notify our users.